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Keynote:The Price of Conflict in the Workplace

In my keynote...

Discover the hidden costs of workplace conflict and learn transformative strategies to address them. With conflicts silently draining vast resources from U.S. businesses every year, this session is essential for C-suite to the frontline, for start ups to the seasoned organizations, and from the bootstrapped to the well-budgeted. This is the first of its kind keynote for partners interested in harmonious and productive work environments. Gain actionable insights and master the Savage Theory of Resolution®, a powerful 5-skills model, to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your conflict resolution toolkit and, in some cases, earn continuing CLE, CEU, and certification completions as well! Book a call now.

Unseen Pressures and the Hidden Costs Impacting Your Bottom Line

Workplace conflict isn't always visible, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there—often simmering beneath the surface, unnoticed until it boils over with catastrophic results. The tragic 2024 case of a Google engineer who murdered his wife serves as a haunting example of how unseen workplace pressures, poor performance, and unresolved tensions can escalate into disastrous outcomes. In this keynote, I will unpack the hidden financial, emotional, and cultural costs of conflict in the workplace. From lost productivity to employee burnout, turnover, and even legal risks, I will demonstrate how unresolved conflict can be a slow-moving disaster. By the time you hear the full cost of workplace conflict, it will rattle your mind as to why these issues have remained undetected and unaddressed for so long. You’ll walk away with the tools to identify these pressures before they explode, transforming your workplace into a thriving, collaborative environment.

Specific Topics Addressed:

  1. The Financial Impact: A detailed breakdown of the direct and indirect costs of conflict, such as lost productivity, absenteeism, turnover, and litigation expenses.
  2. Unseen Pressures Leading to Crisis: An exploration of how unnoticed tensions and poor job performance can escalate into life-altering events, drawing from real-world examples like the Google engineer tragedy.
  3. Conflict Prevention and Resolution Strategies: Practical approaches to identify early warning signs of conflict, resolve issues efficiently, and create a culture of open communication.
  4. The Emotional and Cultural Toll: Understanding how unresolved conflict corrodes workplace culture, reduces morale, and impacts overall team performance.

Measurable Objectives:

  1. Identify the hidden financial and emotional costs of conflict and explain their impact on organizational performance.
  2. Illustrate the unseen pressures in the workplace that, if left unchecked, can escalate into significant crises, potentially leading to tragic consequences.
  3. Produce a clear strategy for managing conflict proactively, focusing on early identification and resolution to avoid long-term damage.
  4. Offer five solutions as alternatives to no action that have immediate relief and future impact. 
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"Karleen’s approach to connection and reframing has helped me navigate some of the toughest conversations in my career. I’m now able to connect with others and guide the conversation towards positive outcomes." — Kevin M.

Team Lead / Husband

"I applied the skills Karleen taught us during a business training to my marriage, and the results were incredible. We went from constant tension to understanding each other on a much deeper level." — Justin M.

Training Participant

"The live training on master listening was eye-opening. I never realized how much I was missing in conversations until I learned this skill from Karleen." — Peter G.

Team Member / Dad.

"Karleen’s teachings on curiosity have completely transformed how I approach political discussions. I now ask questions that lead to understanding rather than conflict." — Alex H.

University Staff / Wife

"After learning the curiosity technique, I’ve been able to have meaningful conversations with people I used to argue with constantly." — Marissa P.

Publication Editor

"I’ve never felt more confident in my ability to resolve conflicts. The connection skills I learned from Karleen have made all the difference." — Michelle B.

Training Dev Manager

"Karleen’s training on attitude and listening changed how I handle conflicts at work. I’m now able to stay calm and really hear the other person’s perspective." — Michael T.


"Master listening has been a revelation for me. Karleen’s techniques have helped me resolve conflicts that I thought were unsolvable." — David H.

Spouse / Business Owner

"The live training was incredible. I never realized how much my attitude and listening skills could impact the outcome of a conflict until I learned from Karleen." — Lisa M.

Reignite Session Attendee.

"Karleen's insights on deep connection are transformative. She helped us move past old hurts and reconnect in ways that felt natural and lasting."— Emily R.

HR Director.

"Karleen's methods are not only effective in the workplace but also have a profound impact at home. Her training opened my eyes to the importance of communication in every relationship, and I've seen a remarkable difference with my spouse." — David L.

Business Owner.

"Karleen’s understanding of human connection goes beyond the typical advice. She teaches you how to truly listen and connect, which made a world of difference in both my professional and personal life." — Tom S.